Home School Agreement
At Hatcham Primary School we have high expectations for all pupils, and these are reinforced through our core values of aspiration and achievement, self-discipline, personal responsibility and mutual respect.
It is an expectation that parents and guardian sign our Home School Agreement when their child joins the school and at the start of a new key stage.
Our Parents and Guardians are expected to
- Support the values of the school and the teaching of them.
- See that my child/ren attends school regularly and on time.
- Support and work with the school to ensure the behaviour management policies of the school are maintained.
- Will not enter the school building without permission.
- Speak to all staff courteously and patiently.
- Ensure that the school always holds correct and up to date information on your child including parent or guardian contact numbers.
- Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour.
- Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect your child’s work or behaviour.
- Ensure your child comes to school in full school uniform or in the correct PE kit on scheduled PE days and Enrichment Club days.
- Only take holidays during school holidays and schedule medical appointments after school where possible.
- Support your child with homework to ensure it is completed on time and to a high standard.
- Stay alert to regular communication from the school regarding important information; this includes emails, Class Dojo and the weekly newsletter.
- Fully engage in school events including parents evening, workshops and performances.
Our children agree to
- Follow all the School Rules and expectations.
- Read daily to expand knowledge of vocabulary.
- Spend 15 to 30 minutes on NumBots or Times table Rockstars.
- Try their best in every lesson.
- Work as hard as possible in every lesson.
- Respect others’ culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.
- Complete homework on time and to a high quality.
- Inform an adult of any worries.
- Be polite, kind and respectful to everyone upholding the school’s core values.
- Arrive on time in correct school uniform every day.
- Treat the school and its property with respect.
- Represent Hatcham Primary positively in the community.
- Ensure their uniform is worn correctly.
- Will not use inappropriate language.
At Hatcham Primary School, We will
- Committed to providing support and challenges to all of our pupils with the aim for all to achieve at least national expectations, and beyond.
- We provide an inclusive environment where everyone works together regardless of their starting point to achieve positive outcomes and become lifelong learners.
- Offer a wide range of opportunities that pupils can gather an understanding of the world around us and develop their ability to ask questions and to think critically.
- Be an inclusive, diverse school welcoming children and families of all belief’s cultures and abilities.
- Care for your child’s safety and happiness and inform parents/guardians of any concerns which affect their child’s behaviour or learning.
- Encourage your child to become an active member within our community and help them see that they can have an impact on the world around them.
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which is subject to regular review, to meet the holistic needs of each individual child’s wellbeing, mental health and academic needs.
- Treat children fairly at all times and listen to them.
- Keep you informed about general school matters and upcoming events through email, Class Dojo and the weekly newsletter.
- Set homework regularly to develop independent learning.
- Ensure your child experiences learning to play a musical instrument.
- Your child will take part in minimum of one enrichment club.