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Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary School

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Mental Well-Being 

Mental Well-Being 

At Hatcham Primary we value a child’s mental health as much as their physical health. We want to equip all children with the skills to take care of their minds and emotional wellbeing. Throughout our whole curriculum we are developing ways to help children improve their well-being through outdoor learning, e-safety and PSHCE lessons.


Useful Links

At Hatcham Primary, we know the importance of effective pastoral support. Our SENDCO and Family Liaison Officer work closely with vulnerable children and their families. But we know that sometimes, parents may want to access resources and support in their own time. 

We hope that the list below will help support you and your family. Please don't hesitate to contact a member of staff if you need someone to talk to about any of these issues. 

 ChildLine has some excellent resources for children who are struggling mentally with the situation

My Corona Book is a simple story for young children about the virus. 

What is the corona virus? is an autism-friendly social story.

My story about pandemics is an autism-friendly social story about what is happening for older children and teens. 

Clear information for adults about the coronavirus

This video and article can give you advice on how to talk to your children about the virus

MHF Top tips on connecting with nature

Hub of Hope will show you mental health resources in your local area

The Anna Freud Centre has a wealth of information and resources to support both adults and children. There is a useful guide to managing anxiety and a great self care guide. See attachments below.

 The Young Minds website provides a range of support strategies for young people. They have also created a dedicated page for parents and carers.

 MENCAP - support and information for people with a learning disability and their families

Stand Alone - support and raise awareness about adults that are estranged from their family or children.

SSS Learning - link to free parental resources to help keep your child safe




All children and young people feel worried sometimes, and this is a normal part of growing up. Anxiety can become a problem when a young person feels stuck in it, or when it feels like an overwhelming, distressing or unmanageable experience. If your child is struggling with anxiety, there are things you can do to help them.

Below are some resources to help you understand anxiety and how to help support your child:

Anna Freud Centre - Coronavirus Q&A on Anxiety

Childline – Worries about the world

Education Support – 7 Strategies to Manage Anxiety

Mental Health Foundation – The Anxious Child

NHS  – Anxiety self-help guide (for adults)

Priory Group – Understanding Anxiety

Safe Hands, Thinking Minds – COVID, Anxiety, Stress; Resources and Links

Young Minds – Helping Your Child with Anxiety


Big Feelings

As adults, we can usually identify how we are feeling and can self-regulate enough to handle our emotions. For children this kind of emotional intelligence can be tricky, but the good news is that this is a skill that can be developed and practised. Below are links to various websites and resources which will help you and your child to identify their feelings and give some techniques to help:

Anna Freud Centre - Emotion Wheel

BBC Bitesize – How can you cope with feeling angry

NHS - Talking to Children About Feelings