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Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary School

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Parents Evening

Parent's evening is an opportunity for your child's class teacher to discuss your child's progress and any possible gaps.


All appointments will need to be booked online via SchoolCloud.

Please take care when selecting your appointment as they will either be in person or virtual appointments via SchoolCloud.  

This parents evening will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s current progress so far this year and how they have settled in.   

You will receive your child's school report in advance in preparation for your meeting. 

All appointments are for exactly 10 minutes and will start and end promptly. Please ensure that you are logged on ahead of your appointment if you have selected a virtual appointment. If you are attending an in-person meeting, please can you ensure you arrive on time.   

Please see the details below:

Website address to book an appointment: https://habshatchamprimary.schoolcloud.co.uk/ 

Guidance to set up the video appointment and also invite another parent to the meeting: https://support.parentseveningsystem.co.uk/article/801-video-parents-how-to-attend-appointments-over-video-call

If you have any issues using the system please email hatchamprimary@habstrustsouth.org.uk