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Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary School

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Safeguarding and Child Protection

At Hatcham Primary, the wellbeing and the safety of the children in our care is of the utmost importance. We recognise our duty to ensure arrangements are in place for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Keeping Children Safe In Education

Hatcham Primary is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils. Strict child protection and recruitment procedures operate and all staff are subject to satisfactory references and enhanced checks from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

We teach our children about how to be safe in the community as well as online. If you have any concerns about the safety of any child, please speak to a member of staff who you feel comfortable with. Alternatively, if your concerns are about the use of digital media, you can report incidents to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre. 

All of our staff have been trained on dealing with the signs of abuse and they understand the important role they have to play in protecting our pupils from harm. This includes training on the government’s Prevent Strategy as well as recent guidelines on FGM. We follow a clear set of procedures when concerns arise and matters are dealt with sensitively.

All staff are kept up to date with the latest updates from Keeping Children Safe In Education and receive training in September every year (or on appointment). 

If you would like to know the latest information please click the links below:

Keeping Children Safe In Education September 2024

If an adult has a concern about any aspect of the welfare or well-being of a child, they will inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Everyone should listen; a child will disclose to a person who they trust. As a staff team we are confident in recognising, referring, responding and recording safeguarding incidents

 The Designated Safeguarding Officers at Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary are


Miss Emily Gyimah | Headteacher | Designated Lead

                                   Mrs Margaret Johonnett | Deputy Headteacher | Deputy Lead

Mrs Marine McDonald | Assistant Headteacher | Deputy Lead

Ms Lauren Frampton | Family Liaison Officer | Deputy Lead

Mr Nathan Lyons | SENDCO | Deputy Lead  

Mr Finn Lindsay | Upper KS2 Phase Lead Deputy Lead


Mrs Kelly Ward | Early Years HLTA Deputy Lead


Mr Oliver Dentith | Nursery Teacher and Early Years Lead Deputy Lead

Hatcham Primary DSL and DDSL Job description

Hatcham Primary Safeguarding Leaflet

Concerns should be emailed to the following addressee:


Safeguarding  Policy 

Please click the  below to read our Safeguarding Policy:

Hatcham Primary Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy September 2024

Contact Numbers

For urgent Child Protection / Safeguarding advice:

Please call MASH on 020 8314 6660  or email mashagency@lewisham.gov.uk  

Please click here to visit the 

Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership

Keeping Children Safe In Education September 2024

SSS Learning - Parental Resources

Online Safety  

parental controls booklet 2023.pdf