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Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary School

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Remote Learning 



Your child should login to Teams every day, they will need to go to the calendar tab and click 'Join' for today's session. We will provide children with live teaching throughout the day, if you are unable to access the live lessons, these will later be uploaded to the class pages on Class Dojo. 

Please ensure that your child completes all learning set on Class Dojo. Photographs of children's work where there is a written outcome can be uploaded on Class Dojo so that their class teacher can mark and comment on it. Or a short recording of the children reading their work out loud, for example, can also be uploaded.

If you need any support accessing your child’s MS Teams login details, please contact the school office on hatchamprimary@habstrustsouth.org.uk.


Read our Remote Learning Action Plan

See our Guide to Using Teams for Parents



Resources & Useful Links

There are many fantastic websites which your child can access easily to support them with their learning at home: 

  • BBC Bitesize You will find great videos to support learning across a range of subjects 
  • TTRS Times Tables Rockstars is fantastic for regular practice of times tables.   
  • Bug Club is essentially an online library where your child’s class teacher will allocate reading books specifically at your child’s reading level.
  • Oak Academy  has a wide range of lessons available for all curriculum subjects.  
  • Purple Mash is an online portal containing activities for a full range of subjects.
  • You can also find the curriculum for your child's year group within their class page.

Teams FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About Using Microsoft Teams


I have tried to join, and I am waiting but no one is letting me in.

There is a chance that you are in the wrong meetingYou need to look along the left-hand side of the screen, where there will be a tab called Calendar. Go to this, and make sure you are looking at today's date. Click Join. 

If you have 'arrived' late to the meeting (after 9am), then please be aware that the teacher will have to stop teaching to admit your child to the meeting. This may cause a slight delay in your child being admitted, so to avoid this please be sure to join the meeting between 8:45am-9am

When I login, it asks for a code.

If it is asking for a code, then you have accidentally typed either your child's email address or your child's password incorrectly. Delete them and start again. 

I don't have a login for my child.

Contact the school office and they will give you login details. Every single child has login details. 

I don't have a device/I don't have wifi at home.

We are working hard to get devices to everyone, but it helps a lot if we understand your situation. Please let us know how many children you have, how many devices they are sharing, and whether you have WIFI access. 

I have logged in but I haven't been sent an invitation.

You will not be sent an invitation to each session. You need to look along the left-hand side of the screen, where there will be a tab called Calendar. Go to this, and make sure you are looking at today's date. Click Join. 

I cannot see the screen/hear the sound.

Unfortunately, this may be due to the device you are using at home or your internet connection. Please leave the meeting and try to join again.